About ips-7000:
Avoid mistakes and omissions caused by manual work
Avoid delivering blank chips to customers caused by the thought that “They should have been
Avoid defects caused by bent leads due to inappropriate manual operation
Avoid program errors caused during downloading master programmer via LAN
Advantages of Automated programming systems:
Easy to Stamp a chip
Automatically stamp a chip after programming so as to discern the ROM Version of a chip easily
Fast Off line programming
Overlong online programming time will be a bottleneck to mass production which breaks the production line balance
Off line programming will optimize the production efficiency
Reliable Stability suitable for mass production
Automation makes the production plan come true easily
Advantages over Competitors
•【Production Log Management】
Enhance quality and production management through production log management
•【Daily Maintenance Management】
Establish a regular maintenance plan based on the socket lifetime management which is essential to programming quality.
•【Quality Management】
LOG contains project management information such as LOT number so as to keep the history record of programmed parts.
【Design Philosophy】
IPS-7000 was developed by Chinese and Japanese senior experts, which easily caters to customers’ changing requirements and responds quickly when any defective device is detected。
【Production Efficiency】
As a standard configuration of many programming houses, IPS-7000 is popularly used because of its simple spot check requirements., users can complete daily maintenance easily.
【Customer Recognition】
Over 80% portion in some programming houses. As a masterpiece of a group corporation, it is wildly accepted not only in Japan, but also in Asian, North America and Europe.
版权所有:苏州嘉多利精密电子有限公司 苏ICP备18008264号
销售热线:0512-66790389 技术支持:苏州锋度信息